The Haight-Ashbury district is uber grungy. Is that part of its appeal? Hard to believe, but maybe. I went there very early on Sunday, walked up and down Haight St., and frankly didn’t see anything that I could turn into a good photo. So as not to waste a drive into San Francisco, I went over to Golden Gate Park and wandered around the Music Concourse, JFK Drive and the Conservatory of Flowers. The only camera I took was my monochrome and one 50mm lens. Wait—I also had my infrared with me. So I include one shot from that.
These performers were there for the AIDS Walk, which was taking place in the park.
A volunteer for the AIDS Walk. I like being able to throw the background way out of focus. I think this was shot at f/2. (I never know for sure because the lens doesn’t communicate that data to the camera, so I don’t see it in Lightroom.)
This man had very impressive strength and balance; he was just practicing outside the Conservatory of Flowers.
Here are two shots of the Conservatory. This one is with the monochrome camera
This is infrared.
And here’s the shot of the day. I had a pleasant conversation with this man about dressing up and he was happy to pose for me.
So if you want my opinion about what’s a better photo destination, GG Park or Haight St., it’s no contest.
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